Gomco Glass reusable Suction Canister 600 ml Bottle ONLY
Allied's medical gas vacuum and suction equipment includes vacuum regulators by Chemetron®, Oxequip® and Timeter® which measure, regulate, monitor and help transfer medical gases and vacuum from in-wall piping to equipment and/or patients throughout the medical facility. The Chemetron Vacutron® line of suction regulators provides worry-free performance and advanced technology in precision vacuum control. Allied offers the widest range of suction regulators on the market today.
For use with the Gomco Portable/Mobile Aspirator Models 280, 300, 3001, 3020, 4032, Uterine Aspirators Models 3830/4072, Constant & Intermittent Pump Model 6036, Vacuum/Pressure Pump Model 309, and other models that use this bottle size.
Factory id 01-90-2675
See 01-90-2454 for glass bottle plus cap and tube assembly