Ventilator Supplies

We sell a variety of specialized equipment for emergency and trauma care to fire departments, ambulance companies, and emergency medical services.

Our portable ventialtors are designed to be lightweight simple and affordable.  These come in two types mechanical, requiring a compresses gas, or with electronic controls.  They are low maintenace and designed to operate under harsh conditions making them ideal for storage now to be used during a future medical emergency. 

Our portable resuscitation products provide fast, simple and effective means of ventilating a non-breathing patient during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The LSP AutoVent automatic transport ventilator, the first ventilator designed expressly for the EMS professional, is designed to perform in typical emergency situations as well as during more sophisticated air and ground transport. The LSP Minilator and Multilator are capable of providing oxygen to a large number of patients at the same time during mass casualty incidents.

Ventilator tubing filters circuits and more
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